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The intelligence of the dog is among the very best of all the animals, maybe above we give him credit for. Although his brain is proportionately only half as large as ours, he's certainly the foremost intelligent of livestock .

As with humans, individual intelligence varies greatly consistent with inherited genes. While nobody breed are often said to be more intelligent that another, some breeds that are selectively bred for work ability are often brighter and more receptive than those bred primarily for purely physical attributes.

Whether a dog may be a mixed breed for purebred, studies have shown that neither is far more intelligent than the opposite . However, dogs that are exposed to a more varied lifestyle, both indoors and out, and with both human and animal interaction, does show more intelligent behavior.

Simply put, giving your dog a chance to research and manipulate all kinds of objects, to explore all kinds of places, to share all kinds of experiences with you'll stimulate his or her intelligence. apart from getting tons more out of life, your dog are going to be wanting to learn more and he will learn with increasing ease and rapidity. Nothing is sadder and more wasteful than an intelligent dog that's confined during a kennel and bereft of mental stimulation.

Despite opinions to the contrary, dogs are endowed with an elementary reasoning power. Anyone who has ever owned a dog has often seen him take stock a situation then taken some logical action. Guide dogs for the blind, also as working and hunting dogs of the many breeds constantly need to use their judgment and make decisions.

Memory is a crucial component of intelligence. The dog's memory for scents is extraordinary. His visual memory is merely fair, but his memory for sounds is extremely good, since he can remember and identify familiar voices even after an absence of the many years. While he builds up an outsized store of identifiable sounds without the slightest effort, remembering different words requires more concentration.

The dog's capacity for learning is more a matter of memory than of true understanding. He will remember the sequence of cause and effect in his actions, but he's unable to draw broad conclusions from his experience. The greater the variability of experiences and get in touch with with others they need , the quicker they learn, and therefore the more they keep .

Dogs are bound naturally to stay intellectually inferior to man, but we owe them an opportunity to develop their native intelligence by training, teaching, and dealing with them the maximum amount and as often as we will .

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